Learning To Appreciate the Power of Pulp

A growing number of health-conscious Americans have turned to juicers and blenders to give their diets a needed boost. There are a number of reasons for this trend. For one, it’s believed a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help prevent a wide range of ailments including chronic diseases. Also, many find it more enjoyable to consume their required servings of vegetables as a beverage—particularly if it contains their favorite fruit.
Unfortunately, many people may not be getting the most out of their efforts. That’s because most traditional juicers remove the most important part of the fruit or vegetable—the fiber.
A high-fiber diet may help lower total blood cholesterol levels and reduce blood pressure and inflammation. It may also help control blood sugar levels, aid in weight management, improve digestion and lower the risk for diabetes, cancer and heart disease.
It’s important to get both soluble and insoluble fibers from a variety of sources to be sure you’re maximizing the benefits. Blending whole foods together rather than consuming processed food and juices retains more of the fiber that we all need to be healthier.”
Newer professional-quality blenders with superior blade technology are helping to make it easier to eat healthier by turning whole fruits and vegetables into nutrient-complete juice and smoothies. These drinks contain the beneficial fiber and pulp that traditional juice extractors remove.